We offer comprehensive and personalized care for women throughout their pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum care. Dr. Smith deliveries babies at the new St. Luke’s Hospital at the Vintage, Methodist Willowbrook Hospital and Houston Northwest Medical Center. Our services include:
- Preconception counseling and testing
- Low risk and high risk prenatal care
- Advanced maternal age
- Cerclage
- Cesarean section
- Circumcision
- Diabetes
- Genetic screening
- High blood pressure/Preeclampsia
- Pregnancy after recurrent miscarriage or pregnancy loss
- Preterm labor
- Vaginal birth after cesarean section (VBAC) for appropriate candidates
- Vaginal delivery of twins for appropriate candidates
- Postpartum depression
- Tubal ligation postpartum
- In office fetal monitoring (non-stress testing)
- In office ultrasounds by certified sonographers
Family Planning Services
We also offer a complete range of contraceptive options for our patients. These services include:
- Birth control pills
- Mirena IUD
- Paragard IUD
- Implanon
- Essure procedure for no incision sterilization
- Adiana procedure for no incision sterilization
- Teen counseling
Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin that covers the head of the penis. It is an elective procedure that is primarily performed for hygiene, cultural, and religious reasons. Dr. Smith or the Pediatrician on call will perform the procedure in the hospital before the baby is discharged home. You can also choose to have your own Pediatrician perform the procedure in his/her office at a later date.
Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Delivery (VBAC)
Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Delivery (
VBAC) is the vaginal birth of a baby after a woman has already had a cesarean delivery. Advantages in attempting a VBAC include no abdominal surgery and faster recovery resulting in shorter hospital stays.
Several factors will determine if a VBAC is the best delivery solution for you. These factors include but are not limited to
- The type of your previous uterine scar (classical vs low transverse)
- The number of your prior cesarean sections
You will need to consult with Dr. Smith to determine if a VBAC is a good choice for you.
Postpartum Depression
It is not uncommon for women to feel fear, sadness, anxiety and anger after having a baby. When mothers have these feelings, we call them "postpartum baby blues". These feelings almost always go away in a few days.
Postpartum depression, on the other hand, lasts longer and is more extreme. The symptoms may include the following:
- No resolution of “baby blues” after 2 weeks.
- Strong feelings of anger and depression one to two months after giving birth.
- Feelings of doubt, helplessness, sadness or guilt that increase each week and interfere with normal daily activities.
- Fears of harming the baby or thoughts of self-harm or suicide.
Postpartum depression can occur after any birth, at any age and does not relate to the number of children a woman has had. About 10% of mothers experience postpartum depression and it often requires counseling and treatment. If you notice that the “baby blues” do not go away after a week or two, make an appointment to see Dr. Smith because you may have postpartum depression.
Dr. Smith can help you identify resources for counseling and start you on treatment that can help you.
Essure Sterilization
Essure is a permanent sterilization procedure that does not require abdominal surgery. There are no incisions and it can even be performed in the office. Dr. Smith places tiny inserts through the vagina into the fallopian tubes using a special instrument called a hysteroscope. This instrument is a thin tube with a camera that allows her to see inside the uterus allowing for correct placement of the micro inserts. Over the next 3 months, your body heals over the inserts and forms a barrier that prevents sperm from reaching the egg. As you heal, another form of birth control is needed. After 3 months, a confirmation X-ray test is performed to confirm that your tubes are indeed blocked.
You will need to consult with Dr. Smith to determine if this procedure is a good choice for you.

Mirena or Paragard IUD
An intrauterine device (IUD) is a small, “T-shaped” device that is placed in the uterus to prevent pregnancy. They are best suited for women between children or after they have completed their childbearing years.
It must be inserted by a health care provider and is safe, effective and provides long protection.

Mirena IUD works by releasing a small amount of a hormone called progesterone, which prevents a woman’s ovaries from releasing eggs (ovulation). If there is no egg for the sperm to join with, a pregnancy cannot happen. Progesterone also thickens a woman’s cervical mucus, which blocks the sperm from entering into the uterus thus preventing sperm from joining with an egg. Progesterone also affects the fallopian tubes by slowing down the transport of the egg to the uterus. Lastly, the IUD alters the lining of the uterus by thinning it out and keeping a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus. This thinning of the uterine lining also has the added benefit of giving you shorter, lighter periods. The Mirena IUD provides protection for
5 years.
Paragard IUD works by releasing copper particles to prevent the sperm from reaching and fertilizing an egg and may also prevent the egg from attaching to the uterus by creating a “toxic” environment. It is hormone free and will not stop your menstrual cycle. It provides protection for
10 years.
IUDs are very effective. Less than 1% of women will get pregnant if they use the IUD. There is, however, a slightly increased risk of an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy if pregnancy should occur.
You will need to consult with Dr. Smith to determine if an IUD is a good choice for you.
Important Insurance Note: Coverage and payment for IUDs varies tremendously depending on the type of insurance plan you have. Therefore, before your scheduled appointment, our staff will need to verify that IUDs are covered by your insurance.